You know those companies that just throw free stuff about to EVERYONE in hope that they'll get some free publicity? Well, I can state without a second's hestation that that isn't us. I can count on 2 fingers the things we have sent to "celebrities" for free.
When we started doing Balcony Shirts "full time", about 6 years ago, we discovered Iain Lee (or "that bloke from the 11 O'Clock show" as we called him at the time) on LBC radio. He made us laugh and stuff, wicked eh? So we sent him a flight bag with a fake logo from the Lost TV series on it because he liked Lost. It was probably illegal. Oh well.
He was asking for free stuff over the Twitter the other day, as a joke, because someone asked him if people sent him free stuff, so we obliged and offered him one of our Ukulele Hero T-shirts. He accepted. This is boring isn't it? Yeah. Well, to cut a short story even shorter we sent him a T-shirt and he plugged us. That was nice of him and we weren't expecting it. We had the busiest night on the website we'd had since Christmas, so that was brilliant, because it's pretty tough selling T-shirts over the internet.
But it's fun. x